Do you want to build your family's dream home or even an investment property? Luke Jones and his team at Hotondo Homes can make it happen.

With over a decade of experience in the building industry, Luke and his team are passionate about building homes to suit the unique family, lifestyle and budget needs of their clients.

Luke and his team are experienced in working on difficult plots of land. Whether your land is flat or sloping, they will have the housing solution for you.

At Hotondo Homes, we have a stunning collection of over 120 flexible floor plans to choose from. Whether you’re looking to build a single or double storey home, Luke and his team will have the perfect design to cater to your needs.

House and Land Packages in Burnie

We pride ourselves on being locally owned and supporting local tradespeople and businesses. We believe that personalised customer service is essential when it comes to building a home. Providing a transparent and honest approach along with a quality finished product is our guarantee.

Hotondo Homes has a range of house and land packages in and around Burnie, offering great value for money and maximum convenience in the process of building your own brand new home.

Committed to customer satisfaction, we will work closely with you to ensure you have an enjoyable building journey. Our exceptional attention to detail, quality workmanship and premium products truly set us apart from the rest.


Our service areas


  • Lorinna , 7306
  • Squeaking Point , 7307
  • Ulverstone , 7315
  • Penguin , 7316
  • Havenview , 7320
  • Stowport , 7321
  • Wynyard , 7325
  • Smithton , 7330
  • Somerset , 7322
  • Stanley , 7331
  • Sheffield , 7306
  • Latrobe , 7307
  • Devonport , 7310
  • Burnie , 7320
  • Tullah , 7321
  • Shearwater , 7307
  • Turners Beach , 7315
  • Gunns Plains , 7315
  • Sulphur Creek , 7316
  • Hawley Beach , 7307
  • Tarleton , 7310
  • Spreyton , 7310
  • Port Sorell , 7307
  • Leith , 7315
  • Moorleah , 7325
  • Eugenana , 7310
  • Ridgley , 7321
  • Irishtown , 7330
  • Forth , 7310
  • Cooee , 7320
  • Parklands , 7320
  • Gawler , 7315
  • Flowerdale , 7325
  • Wilmot , 7310
  • Acacia Hills , 7306
  • Nook , 7306
  • Rocky Cape , 7321
  • Sisters Creek , 7325
  • Don , 7310
  • Spalford , 7315
  • Beulah , 7306
  • Waratah , 7321
  • West Kentish , 7306
  • Wesley Vale , 7307
  • Barrington , 7306
  • Cethana , 7306
  • Claude Road , 7306
  • Cradle Mountain , 7306
  • Gowrie Park , 7306
  • Lower Barrington , 7306
  • Lower Beulah , 7306
  • Middlesex , 7306
  • Nowhere Else , 7306
  • Paradise , 7306
  • Promised Land , 7306
  • Roland , 7306
  • Staverton , 7306
  • Stoodley , 7306
  • Bakers Beach , 7307
  • Harford , 7307
  • Moriarty , 7307
  • Northdown , 7307
  • Sassafras , 7307
  • Thirlstane , 7307
  • Aberdeen , 7310
  • Ambleside , 7310
  • East Devonport , 7310
  • Erriba , 7310
  • Forthside , 7310
  • Kindred , 7310
  • Lillico , 7310
  • Lower Wilmot , 7310
  • Melrose , 7310
  • Miandetta , 7310
  • Moina , 7310
  • Paloona , 7310
  • Quoiba , 7310
  • South Spreyton , 7310
  • Stony Rise , 7310
  • Tugrah , 7310
  • Abbotsham , 7315
  • Castra , 7315
  • Loongana , 7315
  • Nietta , 7315
  • North Motton , 7315
  • Preston , 7315
  • South Nietta , 7315
  • South Preston , 7315
  • Sprent , 7315
  • Upper Castra , 7315
  • West Ulverstone , 7315
  • Camena , 7316
  • Cuprona , 7316
  • Heybridge , 7316
  • Howth , 7316
  • Loyetea , 7316
  • Preservation Bay , 7316
  • Riana , 7316
  • South Riana , 7316
  • West Pine , 7316
  • Acton , 7320
  • Brooklyn , 7320
  • Camdale , 7320
  • Downlands , 7320
  • Emu Heights , 7320
  • Hillcrest , 7320
  • Montello , 7320
  • Ocean Vista , 7320
  • Park Grove , 7320
  • Romaine , 7320
  • Round Hill , 7320
  • Shorewell Park , 7320
  • South Burnie , 7320
  • Upper Burnie , 7320
  • Wivenhoe , 7320
  • Black River , 7321
  • Boat Harbour , 7321
  • Boat Harbour Beach , 7321
  • Chasm Creek , 7321
  • Corinna , 7321
  • Cowrie Point , 7321
  • Crayfish Creek , 7321
  • Detention , 7321
  • East Cam , 7321
  • East Ridgley , 7321
  • Edgcumbe Beach , 7321
  • Guildford , 7321
  • Hampshire , 7321
  • Hellyer , 7321
  • Highclere , 7321
  • Luina , 7321
  • Mawbanna , 7321
  • Montumana , 7321
  • Mooreville , 7321
  • Natone , 7321
  • Parrawe , 7321
  • Port Latta , 7321
  • Savage River , 7321
  • Sisters Beach , 7321
  • Tewkesbury , 7321
  • Upper Natone , 7321
  • Upper Stowport , 7321
  • West Mooreville , 7321
  • West Ridgley , 7321
  • Wiltshire , 7321
  • Calder , 7325
  • Doctors Rocks , 7325
  • Elliott , 7325
  • Henrietta , 7325
  • Lapoinya , 7325
  • Meunna , 7325
  • Milabena , 7325
  • Mount Hicks , 7325
  • Myalla , 7325
  • Oldina , 7325
  • Oonah , 7325
  • Preolenna , 7325
  • Table Cape , 7325
  • Takone , 7325
  • West Takone , 7325
  • Yolla , 7325
  • Alcomie , 7330
  • Arthur River , 7330
  • Brittons Swamp , 7330
  • Broadmeadows , 7330
  • Christmas Hills , 7330
  • Couta Rocks , 7330
  • Edith Creek , 7330
  • Forest , 7330
  • Lileah , 7330
  • Marrawah , 7330
  • Mella , 7330
  • Mengha , 7330
  • Montagu , 7330
  • Nabageena , 7330
  • Nelson Bay , 7330
  • Redpa , 7330
  • Roger River , 7330
  • Scopus , 7330
  • Scotchtown , 7330
  • South Forest , 7330
  • Temma , 7330
  • Togari , 7330
  • Trowutta , 7330
  • West Montagu , 7330
  • Woolnorth , 7330
  • Mount Roland , 7306

Get In Touch

Contact the team to start your new home journey today!

Our details

65 Bass Highway, Somerset TAS 7322
1800 677 156

See our house and land packages

Hotondo Homes Video

Do you want to build your family's dream home or even an investment property? Luke Jones and his team at Hotondo Homes can make it happen.

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