Andrew and Fiona Petterson are a family business who can turn your dream home into a reality.

Andrew and Fiona Petterson are a brother and sister team, along with their partners Julianne and Dean, who build new dream homes for families on the Mid North Coast of NSW, from Forster up to South West Rocks. With over 12 years’ experience in the building industry, they have a large range of homes to suit every family, individual, budget, and lifestyle. 

Their attention to detail and customer service has made the experience for their clients a stress-free process. You’ll be dealing directly with the builders making your home a reality on the Mid North Coast.

Hotondo Homes Mid North Coast offers a complete home solution. If you’re looking to build the home of your dreams, there are over 120 flexible floor plans available to choose from. 

The team at Hotondo Homes Mid North Coast specialises in building family homes and duplex designs. Their knowledge and experience has given them exactly the background they need to make your dream home a reality.

Build the Home You've Always Wanted 

Building and owning your own home is something that you can make possible with Hotondo Homes. With house and land packages designed to take the complexity out of finding the right fit for you and your family, we have packages that can fit the budgets and needs of all sizes.  Read More...

Our service areas

New South Wales

  • Barrington , 2422
  • Booral , 2425
  • Harrington , 2427
  • Forster , 2428
  • Krambach , 2429
  • Hallidays Point , 2430
  • South West Rocks , 2431
  • Kempsey , 2440
  • Laurieton , 2443
  • Port Macquarie , 2444
  • Bonny Hills , 2445
  • Wauchope , 2446
  • Macksville , 2447
  • Nambucca Heads , 2448
  • Coffs Harbour , 2450
  • Nabiac , 2312
  • Stroud Road , 2415
  • Bulahdelah , 2423
  • Mount George , 2424
  • Coopernook , 2426
  • Kendall , 2439
  • Gloucester , 2422
  • Stroud , 2425
  • Wingham , 2429
  • Taree , 2430
  • Nerong , 2423
  • Failford , 2430
  • North Haven , 2443
  • Wallabi Point , 2430
  • Old Bar , 2430
  • Hat Head , 2440
  • Hillville , 2430
  • Tuncurry , 2428
  • Crescent Head , 2440
  • Tinonee , 2430
  • Lake Cathie , 2445
  • Diamond Beach , 2430
  • Wang Wauk , 2423
  • Coomba Park , 2428
  • Euroka , 2440
  • Green Point , 2428
  • Ulong , 2450
  • Tallwoods Village , 2430
  • Stratford , 2422
  • Aldavilla , 2440
  • Smiths Lake , 2428
  • Swans Crossing , 2439
  • Ballengarra , 2441
  • Turners Flat , 2440
  • Boambee , 2450
  • Cundletown , 2430
  • Scotts Head , 2447
  • Charlotte Bay , 2428
  • Yarravel , 2440
  • Sapphire Beach , 2450
  • Minimbah , 2312
  • Monkerai , 2415
  • Nooroo , 2415
  • Upper Karuah River , 2415
  • Weismantels , 2415
  • Back Creek , 2422
  • Bakers Creek , 2422
  • Barrington Tops , 2422
  • Baxters Ridge , 2422
  • Belbora , 2422
  • Berrico , 2422
  • Bindera , 2422
  • Bowman , 2422
  • Bowman Farm , 2422
  • Bretti , 2422
  • Bulliac , 2422
  • Bundook , 2422
  • Callaghans Creek , 2422
  • Cobark , 2422
  • Coneac , 2422
  • Copeland , 2422
  • Craven , 2422
  • Craven Plateau , 2422
  • Curricabark , 2422
  • Dewitt , 2422
  • Faulkland , 2422
  • Forbesdale , 2422
  • Gangat , 2422
  • Giro , 2422
  • Glen Ward , 2422
  • Gloucester Tops , 2422
  • Invergordon , 2422
  • Kia Ora , 2422
  • Mares Run , 2422
  • Mernot , 2422
  • Mograni , 2422
  • Moppy , 2422
  • Rawdon Vale , 2422
  • Rookhurst , 2422
  • Terreel , 2422
  • Tibbuc , 2422
  • Titaatee Creek , 2422
  • Tugrabakh , 2422
  • Wallanbah , 2422
  • Wards River , 2422
  • Waukivory , 2422
  • Woko , 2422
  • Bombah Point , 2423
  • Boolambayte , 2423
  • Bungwahl , 2423
  • Coolongolook , 2423
  • Crawford River , 2423
  • Markwell , 2423
  • Mayers Flat , 2423
  • Mungo Brush , 2423
  • Myall Lake , 2423
  • Seal Rocks , 2423
  • Topi Topi , 2423
  • Upper Myall , 2423
  • Violet Hill , 2423
  • Warranulla , 2423
  • Willina , 2423
  • Wootton , 2423
  • Yagon , 2423
  • Caffreys Flat , 2424
  • Cells River , 2424
  • Cooplacurripa , 2424
  • Cundle Flat , 2424
  • Knorrit Flat , 2424
  • Knorrit Forest , 2424
  • Number One , 2424
  • Tiri , 2424
  • Allworth , 2425
  • Girvan , 2425
  • The Branch , 2425
  • Washpool , 2425
  • Langley Vale , 2426
  • Moto , 2426
  • Crowdy Head , 2427
  • Blueys Beach , 2428
  • Boomerang Beach , 2428
  • Booti Booti , 2428
  • Coomba Bay , 2428
  • Darawank , 2428
  • Elizabeth Beach , 2428
  • Forster Shopping Village , 2428
  • Sandbar , 2428
  • Shallow Bay , 2428
  • Tarbuck Bay , 2428
  • Tiona , 2428
  • Wallingat , 2428
  • Wallis Lake , 2428
  • Whoota , 2428
  • Bobin , 2429
  • Boorganna , 2429
  • Bucca Wauka , 2429
  • Bulga Forest , 2429
  • Bunyah , 2429
  • Burrell Creek , 2429
  • Caparra , 2429
  • Cedar Party , 2429
  • Comboyne , 2429
  • Dingo Forest , 2429
  • Dollys Flat , 2429
  • Dyers Crossing , 2429
  • Elands , 2429
  • Firefly , 2429
  • Innes View , 2429
  • Karaak Flat , 2429
  • Khatambuhl , 2429
  • Killabakh , 2429
  • Killawarra , 2429
  • Kimbriki , 2429
  • Kippaxs , 2429
  • Kundibakh , 2429
  • Marlee , 2429
  • Mooral Creek , 2429
  • Strathcedar , 2429
  • The Bight , 2429
  • Tipperary , 2429
  • Wherrol Flat , 2429
  • Yarratt Forest , 2429
  • Black Head , 2430
  • Bohnock , 2430
  • Bootawa , 2430
  • Brimbin , 2430
  • Cabbage Tree Island , 2430
  • Chatham , 2430
  • Croki , 2430
  • Dumaresq Island , 2430
  • Ghinni Ghinni , 2430
  • Glenthorne , 2430
  • Jones Island , 2430
  • Kiwarrak , 2430
  • Koorainghat , 2430
  • Kundle Kundle , 2430
  • Lansdowne , 2430
  • Lansdowne Forest , 2430
  • Manning Point , 2430
  • Melinga , 2430
  • Mitchells Island , 2430
  • Mondrook , 2430
  • Oxley Island , 2430
  • Pampoolah , 2430
  • Possum Brush , 2430
  • Purfleet , 2430
  • Rainbow Flat , 2430
  • Red Head , 2430
  • Saltwater , 2430
  • Taree South , 2430
  • Upper Lansdowne , 2430
  • Arakoon , 2431
  • Jerseyville , 2431
  • Batar Creek , 2439
  • Black Creek , 2439
  • Kerewong , 2439
  • Kew , 2439
  • Logans Crossing , 2439
  • Lorne , 2439
  • Rossglen , 2439
  • Upsalls Creek , 2439
  • Austral Eden , 2440
  • Bellbrook , 2440
  • Bellimbopinni , 2440
  • Belmore River , 2440
  • Burnt Bridge , 2440
  • Carrai , 2440
  • Clybucca , 2440
  • Collombatti , 2440
  • Comara , 2440
  • Corangula , 2440
  • Deep Creek , 2440
  • Dondingalong , 2440
  • East Kempsey , 2440
  • Frederickton , 2440
  • Gladstone , 2440
  • Greenhill , 2440
  • Hampden Hall , 2440
  • Hickeys Creek , 2440
  • Kinchela , 2440
  • Lower Creek , 2440
  • Millbank , 2440
  • Mooneba , 2440
  • Moparrabah , 2440
  • Mungay Creek , 2440
  • Old Station , 2440
  • Pola Creek , 2440
  • Rainbow Reach , 2440
  • Seven Oaks , 2440
  • Sherwood , 2440
  • Skillion Flat , 2440
  • Smithtown , 2440
  • South Kempsey , 2440
  • Summer Island , 2440
  • Temagog , 2440
  • Toorooka , 2440
  • Verges Creek , 2440
  • West Kempsey , 2440
  • Willawarrin , 2440
  • Willi Willi , 2440
  • Wittitrin , 2440
  • Yessabah , 2440
  • Allgomera , 2441
  • Barraganyatti , 2441
  • Bril Bril , 2441
  • Cooperabung , 2441
  • Eungai Creek , 2441
  • Eungai Rail , 2441
  • Fishermans Reach , 2441
  • Grassy Head , 2441
  • Gum Scrub , 2441
  • Hacks Ferry , 2441
  • Kippara , 2441
  • Kundabung , 2441
  • Rollands Plains , 2441
  • Stuarts Point , 2441
  • Tamban , 2441
  • Telegraph Point , 2441
  • Upper Rollands Plains , 2441
  • Yarrahapinni , 2441
  • Bobs Creek , 2439
  • Camden Head , 2443
  • Coralville , 2443
  • Deauville , 2443
  • Diamond Head , 2443
  • Dunbogan , 2443
  • Hannam Vale , 2443
  • Herons Creek , 2439
  • Johns River , 2443
  • Lakewood , 2443
  • Middle Brother , 2443
  • Moorland , 2443
  • North Brother , 2443
  • Stewarts River , 2443
  • Waitui , 2443
  • West Haven , 2443
  • Blackmans Point , 2444
  • Fernbank Creek , 2444
  • Flynns Beach , 2444
  • Lighthouse Beach , 2444
  • Limeburners Creek , 2444
  • North Shore , 2444
  • Port Macquarie Bc , 2444
  • Riverside , 2444
  • Settlement City , 2444
  • The Hatch , 2444
  • Thrumster , 2444
  • Grants Beach , 2445
  • Jolly Nose , 2445
  • Bagnoo , 2446
  • Bago , 2446
  • Banda Banda , 2446
  • Beechwood , 2446
  • Bellangry , 2446
  • Birdwood , 2446
  • Brombin , 2446
  • Byabarra , 2446
  • Cairncross , 2446
  • Crosslands , 2446
  • Debenham , 2446
  • Doyles River , 2446
  • Ellenborough , 2446
  • Forbes River , 2446
  • Frazers Creek , 2446
  • Gearys Flat , 2441
  • Hartys Plains , 2446
  • Hollisdale , 2446
  • Huntingdon , 2446
  • Hyndmans Creek , 2446
  • Kindee , 2446
  • King Creek , 2446
  • Lake Innes , 2446
  • Long Flat , 2446
  • Lower Pappinbarra , 2446
  • Marlo Merrican , 2441
  • Mortons Creek , 2446
  • Mount Seaview , 2446
  • Pappinbarra , 2446
  • Pembrooke , 2446
  • Pipeclay , 2446
  • Rawdon Island , 2446
  • Redbank , 2446
  • Rosewood , 2446
  • Sancrox , 2446
  • Toms Creek , 2446
  • Upper Pappinbarra , 2446
  • Werrikimbe , 2446
  • Yarras , 2446
  • Yippin Creek , 2446
  • Bakers Creek , 2447
  • Burrapine , 2447
  • Congarinni , 2447
  • Congarinni North , 2447
  • Donnellyville , 2447
  • Gumma , 2447
  • Newee Creek , 2447
  • North Macksville , 2447
  • Talarm , 2447
  • Taylors Arm , 2447
  • Thumb Creek , 2447
  • Upper Taylors Arm , 2447
  • Utungun , 2447
  • Warrell Creek , 2447
  • Way Way , 2447
  • Wirrimbi , 2447
  • Yarranbella , 2447
  • Hyland Park , 2448
  • Valla , 2448
  • Valla Beach , 2448
  • Brooklana , 2450
  • Bucca , 2450
  • Coffs Harbour Jetty , 2450
  • Coffs Harbour Plaza , 2450
  • Coramba , 2450
  • Glenreagh , 2450
  • Karangi , 2450
  • Korora , 2450
  • Lowanna , 2450
  • Moonee Beach , 2450
  • Nana Glen , 2450
  • North Boambee Valley , 2450
  • Sherwood , 2450
  • Upper Orara , 2450
  • Bonville , 2450
  • Crowdy Bay National Park , 2443
  • Pacific Palms , 2428
  • Coffs Harbour Dc , 2450

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  • Squares (sqs.) {{item.designSquares}}
Up to {{item.designBedrooms}} {{item.designBathrooms}} {{item.designGarage}}


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Our details

79 Hastings River Drive, Port Macquarie NSW 2444
1800 677 156

See our house and land packages

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Andrew and Fiona Petterson are a family business who can turn your dream home into a reality.

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