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Classic Christmas Dessert Recipes

Already planning your Christmas menu? It’s a given that most Aussie Christmas lunch or dinner tables will feature classics like roast lamb with all the trimmings, ham off the bone (with plenty of leftovers for sandwiches!) and plenty of seafood, but what about dessert? With Australia's warm climate, desserts that are quick and easy to make, don’t require much time in the oven, and can often be made ahead of time so you can spend more time celebrating with the family are key to a successful Christmas lunch or dinner. We have three favourites for you to make, and we guarantee these classic Christmas recipes will be a hit with everyone!

Wine Trifle


This retro recipe features everything you could ask for in a boozy dessert – custard, jelly, sponge cake, and fruit!

The day before you want to make the trifle:
  • Start by making a bowl of jelly ahead of time using one packet of jelly crystals - Port Wine flavour is a lovely alternative to using a plain berry flavour.
  • Wait for it to set completely.
  • You will also need to make a bowl of custard from scratch and set aside for later once it has completely set. Alternatively, to save time, use approximately 400ml of store-bought custard.

To assemble the trifle:
  • Line a dessert bowl with slices of jam Swiss Roll or sponge cake.
  • Pour a cup of sherry, port wine, or brandy over the cake slices, enough so that all the slices are wet.
  • Mash up the Swiss roll or sponge cake at the bottom of the dessert bowl.
  • Cover the Swiss roll with the jelly in one layer, then layer the custard over the jelly.
  • Cover with 300ml of sweetened whipped cream.
  • Decorate with glace cherries and crushed walnuts, or with summery berries and fruits.
  • Chill until serving.


Mango & Passionfruit Pavlova

There’s nothing like fresh mango in the height of summer time in Australia, and we know that many Christmas celebrations will have plenty of it on hand to be enjoyed. While making the meringue base from scratch isn’t difficult, it can take up oven space and time while your guests are there as it’s best made the day of your celebration. If you’re pressed for time on Christmas day, simply assemble your dessert with store-bought pavs!

To make the pavlova:
  • Preheat the oven to 140 degrees Celsius and line a baking tray with nonstick paper.
  • Put 4 egg whites into a bowl and beat with an electric mixer until soft peaks form.
  • Gradually add 1 cup of caster sugar a little bit at a time, beating well in between each addition until the mixture is thick and glossy.
  • Fold through 1 teaspoon of white vinegar.
  • Transfer the mixture to the baking tray and gently mold into a circular shape.
  • Place in the oven and bake for 1 hour and 15 minutes, until a skewer comes out of the centre clean.
  • Turn the oven off and allow the pavlova to cool inside the oven for 1-2 hours.Do not open the oven door until the oven has completely cooled down.
To assemble the pavlova:
  • Whip 2 cups of thickened cream and spread over the surface of the pavlova.
  • Slice up 2 mangoes and scatter over the whipped cream.
  • Use the pulp of 6 passionfruit to cover the mango and whipped cream (or use one tin of passionfruit pulp).
  • Serve and enjoy!




Similar to gingerbread, but with a more subtle flavour, this is the perfect biscuit to pop out for your guests to enjoy with a cup of tea or coffee. It’s also a great one to get the kids involved in baking, as it’s easy to assemble the mixture and they can use their favourite Christmas cookie cutters to make cute, festive shapes.

  • 60 grams butter
  • 2/3 cup Golden Syrup
  • 1 and 3/4 cups plain flour
  • 1 teaspoon Bi-Carb soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon cocoa
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cloves
  • 1 tablespoon milk
  • Melt butter on a medium heat
  • Add Golden Syrup and bring to a boil.
  • Remove from the heat and let it stand for 10 minutes.
  • Combine dry ingredients.
  • Pour butter and syrup mixture into dry ingredients.
  • Add milk and stir until combined, then cover and let it stand for 1.5 hours at room temperature.
  • Once ready, turn the dough out on to a lightly floured surface.
  • Knead lightly and roll out with a rolling pin to about half a centimetre thick.
  • Cut into shapes and place on a lined baking tray, repeat until you have used up all the dough.
  • Cook for 9 minutes in a moderate oven, 160 degrees Celsius fan forced or 180 degrees Celsius gas, until golden brown.
  • Let the biscuits cool completely and serve plain, or ice with your preferred icing, or drizzle with melted chocolate.

We hope you love these classic Christmas desert recipes! For more Christmas inspiration, head to our website and browse the blog for plenty of fabulous food and decorating ideas. Merry Christmas everyone!

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